fill water tanks or diesel without first consulting rodney. If we do decide to go ahead and fill the water tanks, always
first taste the water,
use only VITO’s water hose,
use both primary (tap end) and secondary (hose end) water filters installed on the water hose.
tamper with MOB bag without informing rodney
start engine without checking:
cooling water inlet open
no lines near the propeller
Main Switchboard
Robertson OFF
Frischwasserpumpe OFF
Shore electrical devices (stoves, toaster etc) disconnected (computer on is OK)
Fresh water taps closed (Galley and Heads)
Stove burners (3) all off.
Cabin Lights off
Forehatch closed / Locked (if appropriate)
Heads hatch in ventilation position.
All side cabin port-lights closed (if there is even slightest threat of rain). Rear port light, and forehatch port-light can be left open).
Main hatch locked (if appropriate) . Use large combination lock (8050).
Lazzarette Locked (small combination lock 216)
Bicycles locked (large bicycle combination lock 2131)
Mooring lines correct and free of chafe
Fenders firmly tied, correct height, no chafe
Gangway rope ties not chafed (Ideally, check every time you use the gangway!)
Anodes secure and properly connected.
Batteries suitably charged /charging (not over-charged, not undercharged).
Engine compartment bilge dry.
Heads Porta-potty clean and not overfull (else empty and clean )
Close side and forward port-lights if threat of rain.
Shore water hose not leaking.
Shore power correct.
Inspect both battery banks
No corrosion on terminals
Battery cells SGs OK